Like a lot of moms, I find it tough to schedule a workout with someone because I need to get up and get my run done. But twice in the last few days I've trotted alongside someone, at least for part of my run, and I'd forgotten how human companionship makes miles melt.
On Saturday, I did 10 miles--my final long run before Sunday's half-marathon--on a fairly popular route (Terwilliger) here in Portland. About 6 miles into it, I noticed a guy on the opposite of the street going the same pace. As we both climbed a long hill, he was exactly what I needed to not slow my pace. We continued on opposite sides of the street for about another mile . Then, through the luck of some lights and maybe just a smidgen of competitive juice, I caught up with him. I tossed out a, "good work on the hill back there" call, and was about to continue on solo, but when he asked me how far I was running, we fell into conversation. (And when I unplugged my headphones from my new nano, I discovered it plays music or talks--Nikeplus--outloud. Who knew?!) Despite him being cocky about his athletic accomplishments (I refrained from blurting out, "dude, you've done numerous Ironman triathlons, yet you still have a gut?" but I held my tongue), the end of my run flew by.
Then this morning, I did an easy, breezy run with my new neighborhood running pal Dana. I swear, at one point, we exited a park and in the blink of an eye, we had covered three blocks. It was like I went into a fugue state or something!
As much as I love my new nano and iTunes downloads, conversation trumps tunes some days. (That said, I'm all ears for new songs to add to my half-marathon playlist I'll be making later in the week.)
Someday I'll find a fellow runner who understands just because I run marathons doesn't mean you can't run with me. They all act afraid. It's frustrating.
But without fellow runners, I enjoy the sounds of nature all around me! Better than music!
sounds like a good run. that guy must have been flirting trying to show off his ironman status without the body to back it up. too funny!
Good luck at the upcoming half.
Have you ever tried running while listening to an audio book? I am not a runner but tried running for awhile with a book about the dust bowl loaded on my iPod. Um, THAT was a poor selection, but I think the idea might be sound--especially if you got a really compelling book and only allowed yourself to read it WHILE you were running.
Misery loves company, and so do runners :0
Good luck Sunday, you're gonna rock it!
Hey, as your former running partner I can definitely attest to getting through lots of mileage in no time - I really enjoyed our long runs back in the day and loved sharing the quirkiness that marked some of our routes(pale green houses! Fermenting cabbages!)
Definitely an important component to a good running partner is (1) the ability of said partner to breathe correctly and talk and (2) be very talkative!!
Perhaps one day when my foot is fully healed and I can run distances again I'll come hip check your new gal and run with you again! ;-)
Having someone to talk to makes all the difference, especially on a long run (and up a hill). While you will be tearing up the half on Sunday, my running bff and I will be chatting it up BEHIND you, way behind you. Good Luck!!
"Take Me Home" by After Midnight Project. Really!
I always have my music, I never know when I need it. I run with friends, but keep one ear bud in and the volume low.
Often I get a "what is on now" and I get to sing for them... yeah, I am that runner!
I have nothing new for you ... haven't heard "new music" in 6 months ...
BUT ... quick feet, lungs that don't fail you and a stride that carries you through - - I wish you at the half!
I second the audiobook notion from the above commenter. I used to run to audiobooks quite often (my tiny children and full time job are preventing me from any running right how). Probably not the best thing to listen to during speed work, but I really liked them for longish and tempo runs. I didn't/don't have much time to read for pleasure, so this was my time to fit some 'reading' into my busy days!
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