Today's a big step in a long journey that Dimity and I have been on together: The
website for our book went live today. With only a month until our book hits stores nationwide (you can already
pre-order it on Amazon), we are eager to build a community of strong, spirited runners. Dimity and I will be blogging more frequently. I have so appreciated your support on this blog, and I look forward to even more of a dialog on the
new site. Please join the conversation!
I can't wait to read your book!
i think the book is going to be a huge success! love the new site sbs.
woohoo! congrats on the new book! i will have to pick mine up at the reading so i can get your autograph!!!
I met the Simon and Schuster rep today when I just happend to pop into the wonderful independent bookstore in Wellesley MA where I worked for 6 years. Our adult book buyer called me down to her office to show me some materials about your upcoming book. (I'm running my 15th Boston Marathon and 30th overall this April PLUS I'm a mother of 3). In addition, I run Boston with the Dana-Farber Marathon Challenge team that raises money for cancer research. Would love to help promote your book in the Boston area! The wonderful Wellesley Booksmith where I worked is also on the course of the Boston Marathon - mile 13.5!!
I am so excited about your book!
Just wanted to drop you a note that I loved your piece in April's Runner's World. I was actually reading it and thought to myself, "This is really great, who wrote this?" and was thrilled to see it was the two of you!
Know Malaysia
I am very excited about reading your book! Congrats!!
Sarah and Dimity, so when will I see you on The Today Show? :) Congrats, can't wait to read your book mainly because I still haven't figured out how you juggle it and want some tips!!
PS: Curious to know what you think about the Harvard study on barefoot running and training.
Can't make it tonight, but I'll be there in spirit. Have to babysit my niece! Have a great time, Kara G
I can'T wait to go any secure my copy!
Heard so much about it!
Hey, We'd love for you to blog about our cute run tees. Check us out.. www.fluidflair.net and let us know what you think. We have Moms who like us all over the country. Thanks, Amy
Hi Sarah - Enjoyed your article in Whole Living on mantras. I would recommend to you writing on mantrams by Eknath Easwaran, including: http://www.easwaran.org/page/101
I think that it is great that your book is live. I will give it a try. I hope that I can get it for Kindle.
Hey I was reading your blog because I am an avid runner.. I love your stuff! I thought you may be interested in a new fitness line that is hitting the market at the end of Feb. A friend of mine is a sales representative for their company and she let me check out a sample. It's two women that are in the workout industry who developed fitness apparel based on a need. The clothing line is coming out at the end of Feb. and what they have created is a sweat proof pocket for your smart phone that sits on your side. I had the opportunity to try them and they are incredible, the material is fantastic.. I swear I looked two sizes smaller and they are so functional with the smart phone pocket on my hip. I could not even feel that it was there and it was compressed against my leg so it did not bounce. I am a business owner and I always need my phone on me but carrying it around is always problem. The company is called Fit Plus Wear, www.fitpluswear.com Functional Fitness Clothing with a PLUS! These pants are revolutionary and a must have for anyone that's active! I hope you check them out! Keep up the good work on your blog, loving all the information!
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at www.ultimatelifeclinic.com . I can breathe much better and It feels comfortable
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