Monday, February 8, 2010

What a Difference a Week Makes!

Before I had kids, whenever I was going through a rocky patch--say, a long stretch of no dates--I'd feel like things were entrenched and they'd never change. But since becoming a mother, I realize life changes daily. Take, for example, bedtime battles. Ten days ago, the kids were driving me so insane at bedtime, I was ready to sell them on eBay. I'm ashamed to admit I might even have uttered that (empty) threat when I felt pushed to my limits by the kids arguing, getting out of bed, crying, whining, coming into our room, you know the scene. I felt I was at my wit's end--and I had no clue how to rectify the situation.

Oh, that was so January! Bedtimes are still less-than-calm, but the last few nights, the kids (the twins, in particular) have fallen asleep with a minimum of blood-pressure-raising shenanigans. (See the sleeping kiddos, above.)

Same thing has happened has happened with my marathon training. Honestly, last Monday I was worried I was late to the game and I'd never catch up. Forty-two miles, many, many hills, and just seven days later, and I'm feeling well positioned and primed. Example A: The weekend's long run. I was supposed to do 12 hilly miles at a pace of 9:15-9:45. I was so intent on tackling the climbs (I headed up Rocky Butte, one of Portland's biggest hills) that I lost track of distance. I unintentionally ran a half-marathon exactly...and averaged 8:59-minute miles. Better yet? I felt great at the end. One week down, and looking forward to the next 11. Who knows how things might change, but right now I'm confident and upbeat.



Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Indeed a week can make a difference. For me often one good run can turn it all around.

Jen said...

Way to go. You give me hope that I too can find the time.

Chris said...

Awesome workout. You're right that a week (or a day, for that matter:)) can make ALL the difference.

Actually, a single run can make all the difference.

I stumbled across your blog a few days ago - nice work, indeed.


Kate said...

I am hoping to ride my good run before DC's snowmagedon into this week of limited running opportunities. You give me hope!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Love it!! Sell your kids on Ebay?? Classic..

Teamarcia said...

eBay? I'll have to keep that in mind. I've only been pushed to the extent of Craig's List. That way most likely they'd still live locally so I could drive past for a visit.
Great run!

Rachael Suchara said...

I may or may not have muttered something about Freecycle once or twice when things were getting out of hand.

Congrats on the good week! I...hills...there are no words to describe how I loathe them. I ran cross country in Kansas and we had no need for these "hill" things.

Carolina John said...

wow. yea there are lots of things that sneak up on us like that. at least you are ready for the marathon. i'm just ready for bedtime.

RunnerMom said...

Wow, forty-two miles a week seems right on track if not ahead. I dream of that pace on a long, hilly run! :-) You will be ready. Big Sur will be amazing.

silly aunt sarah said...

you are becoming a super athlete! Nice work rocking the tough long hill runs- its inspiring and motivating, thanks, SBS!

Unknown said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog! I remember reading your blog on RW, is it still there? Thanks for the comment and I loved your comment on change. Being a parent FORCES you to be ready for change at a moments notice. Eventually, you get used to it and it makes it easier to "do" life. Good luck with your training!

prashant said...

You give me hope that I too can find the time.

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