On Friday, Katherine and I took our kids--from left, Logan, Amelia and Avery--up to Denver to run in the Scream Scram, a family-friendly 100m run for the under-10 set, and a 5k for those who don't trick or treat, but rather just raid the pumpkins their kids are carrying. It was a perfect night. Ben took his first ride, I'm embarrassed to admit, in the jogger with me actually running. I usually just use it for walks. He loved whizzing around Wash Park, holding up his hands in his new mittens. The girls ran valiantly in their race, if sucking your thumb during part of of the race, as Amelia did, can be described as valiant.
What mattered most to the girls was that they had decided, on the car ride up, that they were all on the same team--first it was the Dragons, but that choice was, in Avery's words, "a little bit scary," so then they were on the Kitties--and that they all had their very own race numbers pinned to their costumes. Amelia now has her race number hanging on her bedroom door. Hmmm, just wanting to get out there with friends, maybe not take it so seriously (i.e. the thumbsucking) and have a memento from the event? At least Amelia comes by it honestly.